Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Initial preparation to create a blog

To create a blog there are some things that need to be prepared to make a blog include the following:

    A. Internet conection
       The most important is the internet connection. you will not be able to build a blog without an internet connection I guess everyone already knows about this so no need to elaborate further

    2. e-mail
       Email is required, this email we will later use to register in blog.Untuk you who do not have email Emai you should make prior dahulu.anda can use yahoo mail and google mail, but it is advisable to use google to get the mail that do not already have an account kemudaha email Do not Worry Kitchen Blogspot tutorial will present how to create Google and Yahoo email accounts.

    3. Choose the template that matches the topic of your blog premises
       Already have an email account now choose a template that you want to use as discussion topics on your blog. If you do not already have your own templates you can choose a lot of free templates available. Please search in Google with the keywords "free blogger templates" or "Free Blog Templates", you will find many free templates that you can choose to your liking.

       Who do not know how to find a template blogger bagainama Kitchen also will deliver a tutorial on how the next discussion.

Ok if three of the above should suffice now you are ready to create a blog.

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