Tips and Trick
Total Tayangan Halaman
- 17 Keajaiban Dunia yang Mengagumkan (1)
- 2 How to Change Facebook Layout View (1)
- 5 Tampilan Baru Blogger (1)
- 7 Orang Bersejarah Yang Amat Sulit Dibunuh (1)
- Ablewise | Tool Buat Memprediksi PageRank (1)
- Adding a New Page Element Method Under Blog Header (1)
- Ajak Teman Nonton Lewat Facebook (1)
- Apakah Facebook Bertanggung Jawab atas Hilangnya Chip Poker Anda? (1)
- Blackberry (1)
- Cara Memasang Gambar Di Sudut Layar (1)
- Cara Memasang Yahoo Messenger Di Blogger (1)
- Cara Membackup Data-Data Blogger (1)
- Cara Membuat Bingkai Untuk Banner (1)
- Cara Membuat Efek Marquee (1)
- Cara Membuat Head Line News (1)
- Cara Membuat Related Post (1)
- Cara Mempercepat Booting Windows 7 (1)
- Cara Mempercepat Loading Pada Windows 7 (1)
- Cara Mengatas Masalah Not Respnding (1)
- Cara Mengetahui Posisi Di Google (1)
- Cara menghapus Kronologi Profil Facebook (1)
- Cara Menghilangkan Tanggal Posting (1)
- Cara Mengubah Warna Link (1)
- Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Dan Popularity Dengan Cepat Dan Alami (1)
- Cara Mudah (1)
- Cepat dan Gratis Bikin Foto Facebook yang Super Keren (1)
- Creating Hide and Show ShoutMix (1)
- Facebook contest with prizes Ipad (1)
- Facebook Like Hack (1)
- Game (1)
- How a collection of Facebook (the version pictured) (1)
- How To Block Facebook Others (1)
- How to Create a Facebook Group (1)
- How to Create a Google Email Accounts Quickly And Easily (1)
- Initial preparation to create a blog (1)
- Iphone 4 (1)
- Klarifikasi = (1)
- Komunitas Blogger Indonesia di Facebook (1)
- Linking up with Blog / Website - Simplaris Blogcast (1)
- Make Money Through Facebook Applications - Divide on Facebook (1)
- Melatih Kecepatan Ketik Dengan Game Facebook Typing Race (1)
- Melihat Hari Ulang Tahun (Birthday) Semua Teman (1)
- Melihat Teman Online Dalam Kondisi Offline - Petak Umpet di Facebook (1)
- Membuat Daftar Isi Blogger Otomatis Terupdate (1)
- Mengatasi Banyaknya Email Dari Facebook (1)
- Mengelompokan Teman Facebook Dalam Kategori (1)
- Mengirim Sebuah Ciuman Lewat Facebook (1)
- Mensetting Blogger Dengan Domain Custom (1)
- Menulis Artikel Blog Secara Offline | W Bloggar (1)
- New Facebook User's disease (part 1) (1)
- New7Wonders Baru Resmikan 7 Keajaiban Dunia Pada Awal 2012 (1)
- on Facebook (1)
- Proof of Payment For-Share on Facebook (1)
- Publikasikan Aplikasi (1)
- Quiz atau Artikel Anda Disini (1)
- Simultaneously download the Facebook Photo Album (1)
- Smiley Code for Facebook chat (1)
- T=v1+v2 (1)
- The Facebook Desktop for Adobe AIR (1)
- The History of Blogger From the Beginning Until Now (1)
- Tips And Tips For Success PDF Blog Many Visitors (1)
- Tips Membuat Favicon | Icon Adress Bar (1)
- Tips Sign up facebook (1)
- Wawancara Dengan Pemilik Aplikasi Bagi-Bagi (Gunawan TW) (1)
- What You Should Know Before Building A Blog (1)
- 17 Keajaiban Dunia yang Mengagumkan (1)
- 2 How to Change Facebook Layout View (1)
- 5 Tampilan Baru Blogger (1)
- 7 Orang Bersejarah Yang Amat Sulit Dibunuh (1)
- Ablewise | Tool Buat Memprediksi PageRank (1)
- Adding a New Page Element Method Under Blog Header (1)
- Ajak Teman Nonton Lewat Facebook (1)
- Apakah Facebook Bertanggung Jawab atas Hilangnya Chip Poker Anda? (1)
- Blackberry (1)
- Cara Memasang Gambar Di Sudut Layar (1)
- Cara Memasang Yahoo Messenger Di Blogger (1)
- Cara Membackup Data-Data Blogger (1)
- Cara Membuat Bingkai Untuk Banner (1)
- Cara Membuat Efek Marquee (1)
- Cara Membuat Head Line News (1)
- Cara Membuat Related Post (1)
- Cara Mempercepat Booting Windows 7 (1)
- Cara Mempercepat Loading Pada Windows 7 (1)
- Cara Mengatas Masalah Not Respnding (1)
- Cara Mengetahui Posisi Di Google (1)
- Cara menghapus Kronologi Profil Facebook (1)
- Cara Menghilangkan Tanggal Posting (1)
- Cara Mengubah Warna Link (1)
- Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Dan Popularity Dengan Cepat Dan Alami (1)
- Cara Mudah (1)
- Cepat dan Gratis Bikin Foto Facebook yang Super Keren (1)
- Creating Hide and Show ShoutMix (1)
- Facebook contest with prizes Ipad (1)
- Facebook Like Hack (1)
- Game (1)
- How a collection of Facebook (the version pictured) (1)
- How To Block Facebook Others (1)
- How to Create a Facebook Group (1)
- How to Create a Google Email Accounts Quickly And Easily (1)
- Initial preparation to create a blog (1)
- Iphone 4 (1)
- Klarifikasi = (1)
- Komunitas Blogger Indonesia di Facebook (1)
- Linking up with Blog / Website - Simplaris Blogcast (1)
- Make Money Through Facebook Applications - Divide on Facebook (1)
- Melatih Kecepatan Ketik Dengan Game Facebook Typing Race (1)
- Melihat Hari Ulang Tahun (Birthday) Semua Teman (1)
- Melihat Teman Online Dalam Kondisi Offline - Petak Umpet di Facebook (1)
- Membuat Daftar Isi Blogger Otomatis Terupdate (1)
- Mengatasi Banyaknya Email Dari Facebook (1)
- Mengelompokan Teman Facebook Dalam Kategori (1)
- Mengirim Sebuah Ciuman Lewat Facebook (1)
- Mensetting Blogger Dengan Domain Custom (1)
- Menulis Artikel Blog Secara Offline | W Bloggar (1)
- New Facebook User's disease (part 1) (1)
- New7Wonders Baru Resmikan 7 Keajaiban Dunia Pada Awal 2012 (1)
- on Facebook (1)
- Proof of Payment For-Share on Facebook (1)
- Publikasikan Aplikasi (1)
- Quiz atau Artikel Anda Disini (1)
- Simultaneously download the Facebook Photo Album (1)
- Smiley Code for Facebook chat (1)
- T=v1+v2 (1)
- The Facebook Desktop for Adobe AIR (1)
- The History of Blogger From the Beginning Until Now (1)
- Tips And Tips For Success PDF Blog Many Visitors (1)
- Tips Membuat Favicon | Icon Adress Bar (1)
- Tips Sign up facebook (1)
- Wawancara Dengan Pemilik Aplikasi Bagi-Bagi (Gunawan TW) (1)
- What You Should Know Before Building A Blog (1)
- 17 Keajaiban Dunia yang Mengagumkan (1)
- 2 How to Change Facebook Layout View (1)
- 5 Tampilan Baru Blogger (1)
- 7 Orang Bersejarah Yang Amat Sulit Dibunuh (1)
- Ablewise | Tool Buat Memprediksi PageRank (1)
- Adding a New Page Element Method Under Blog Header (1)
- Ajak Teman Nonton Lewat Facebook (1)
- Apakah Facebook Bertanggung Jawab atas Hilangnya Chip Poker Anda? (1)
- Blackberry (1)
- Cara Memasang Gambar Di Sudut Layar (1)
- Cara Memasang Yahoo Messenger Di Blogger (1)
- Cara Membackup Data-Data Blogger (1)
- Cara Membuat Bingkai Untuk Banner (1)
- Cara Membuat Efek Marquee (1)
- Cara Membuat Head Line News (1)
- Cara Membuat Related Post (1)
- Cara Mempercepat Booting Windows 7 (1)
- Cara Mempercepat Loading Pada Windows 7 (1)
- Cara Mengatas Masalah Not Respnding (1)
- Cara Mengetahui Posisi Di Google (1)
- Cara menghapus Kronologi Profil Facebook (1)
- Cara Menghilangkan Tanggal Posting (1)
- Cara Mengubah Warna Link (1)
- Cara Meningkatkan Traffic Dan Popularity Dengan Cepat Dan Alami (1)
- Cara Mudah (1)
- Cepat dan Gratis Bikin Foto Facebook yang Super Keren (1)
- Creating Hide and Show ShoutMix (1)
- Facebook contest with prizes Ipad (1)
- Facebook Like Hack (1)
- Game (1)
- How a collection of Facebook (the version pictured) (1)
- How To Block Facebook Others (1)
- How to Create a Facebook Group (1)
- How to Create a Google Email Accounts Quickly And Easily (1)
- Initial preparation to create a blog (1)
- Iphone 4 (1)
- Klarifikasi = (1)
- Komunitas Blogger Indonesia di Facebook (1)
- Linking up with Blog / Website - Simplaris Blogcast (1)
- Make Money Through Facebook Applications - Divide on Facebook (1)
- Melatih Kecepatan Ketik Dengan Game Facebook Typing Race (1)
- Melihat Hari Ulang Tahun (Birthday) Semua Teman (1)
- Melihat Teman Online Dalam Kondisi Offline - Petak Umpet di Facebook (1)
- Membuat Daftar Isi Blogger Otomatis Terupdate (1)
- Mengatasi Banyaknya Email Dari Facebook (1)
- Mengelompokan Teman Facebook Dalam Kategori (1)
- Mengirim Sebuah Ciuman Lewat Facebook (1)
- Mensetting Blogger Dengan Domain Custom (1)
- Menulis Artikel Blog Secara Offline | W Bloggar (1)
- New Facebook User's disease (part 1) (1)
- New7Wonders Baru Resmikan 7 Keajaiban Dunia Pada Awal 2012 (1)
- on Facebook (1)
- Proof of Payment For-Share on Facebook (1)
- Publikasikan Aplikasi (1)
- Quiz atau Artikel Anda Disini (1)
- Simultaneously download the Facebook Photo Album (1)
- Smiley Code for Facebook chat (1)
- T=v1+v2 (1)
- The Facebook Desktop for Adobe AIR (1)
- The History of Blogger From the Beginning Until Now (1)
- Tips And Tips For Success PDF Blog Many Visitors (1)
- Tips Membuat Favicon | Icon Adress Bar (1)
- Tips Sign up facebook (1)
- Wawancara Dengan Pemilik Aplikasi Bagi-Bagi (Gunawan TW) (1)
- What You Should Know Before Building A Blog (1)
Cari Blog Ini
Senin, 26 Maret 2012
How to Create a Google Email Accounts Quickly And Easily
Email It functions as a communication tool is fast and cheap easy DAPT also email we use to send us documents such as program, Image, and other files and email accounts that later we will use to create a Blogger account.
As explained above this occasion Kitchen Blogspot Tutorial will help you to easily create email yahoo or google either, but for now Kitchen Blogspot tutorial will discuss how to create a Google email First.
The following easy steps to create a Google email account:
A. Visit the Google page at
2. Note Arrow click on the Gmail text
3. You will be taken first page as follows Then click the button Creat my Account
4. Will appear like below.
5. you are asked to fill out your personal data such as your name email address you want your password to log into your gmail account. Silahkah you fill in the form the complete data if the data already in the content lenkap click creat my account or Create an Account
6. If Successful you will be taken following first page and click on the Show Me My Account
7. You will be taken to your email account page like this
8. With you into your gmail account means your email account is finished and ready to be used to create a Blogger account
Minggu, 25 Maret 2012
Initial preparation to create a blog
To create a blog there are some things that need to be prepared to make a blog include the following:
A. Internet conection
The most important is the internet connection. you will not be able to build a blog without an internet connection I guess everyone already knows about this so no need to elaborate further
2. e-mail
Email is required, this email we will later use to register in blog.Untuk you who do not have email Emai you should make prior dahulu.anda can use yahoo mail and google mail, but it is advisable to use google to get the mail that do not already have an account kemudaha email Do not Worry Kitchen Blogspot tutorial will present how to create Google and Yahoo email accounts.
3. Choose the template that matches the topic of your blog premises
Already have an email account now choose a template that you want to use as discussion topics on your blog. If you do not already have your own templates you can choose a lot of free templates available. Please search in Google with the keywords "free blogger templates" or "Free Blog Templates", you will find many free templates that you can choose to your liking.
Who do not know how to find a template blogger bagainama Kitchen also will deliver a tutorial on how the next discussion.
Ok if three of the above should suffice now you are ready to create a blog.
Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012
What You Should Know Before Building A Blog
This topic is important to be known by everyone who wants to build so the Kitchen Tutorial Blogspot blog to convey the initial tutorial section that there are no concepts in building a professional blog sebua.
If you are one of few in determining the steps you then this may cause to yourself that can make any end times of your blogging blogger world. Blogspot Tutorial kitchen to say that because based on experience that has been encountered and a half years of blogging world.
If you are really serious about becoming a professional blogger, you should know the following points:
A. Define your goals
Blogging dinunia just as we live where we have to determine our destiny in the world for what? with the purpose of your life will know what to do next.
That need to be in line merahi which do not specify the purpose of blogging as a means to earn a lot of what you as a beginner. if you already think so should be back to continue your intention to build a blog.
Why is that?, Because when you focus on your goal to get a lot of money and was not as promised, as has been experienced recently will make you a great opportunity prustasi and leave your blog.
Should be owner of blogging as a hobby you aim to channel the inspiration that you have to bring the best work that can be useful to many people.
2. Focus on One Topic
Many people assume a lot of topics covered make it easier in a piece of writing in the blog. Though such an assumption is incorrect Kitchen Tutorial Blogspot say this kitchen ever blogging Blogspot tutorial and it turned out that way blogging becomes more difficult. Ginana not difficult topics covered are topics beyond the understanding of the author, and finally the devil appeared in the brain to steal other people's content. very act which is not commendable.
Choose one topic to the discussion (Recommended Tofik neighbor pick something that you control) to your blog because you focus on one topic you will be more stout inspiration to write in your blog.
3. You must be Active
Most people have enough to make Meras Develop a blog because they think search enggine will deliver his blog to get a lot of visitors, This is wrong, the virtual world dimaksut Active Kitchen is your Blogspot Tutorial active in seeking information such as berpatisifasi in a Forum and learn what are the problems they are facing so that you will find a lot of thought to be poured in your blog posts
4. Make your own original work thinking
Why you should make writing of the ideas of your own?
* Will shut your mind to create a unique work of others
* Search enggine really do not like the duplicate content or similar content Bah Especially Google
* Your blog will not have confidence if you load someone else's content
* Many people will get bored visiting your blog because a lot of similar content
That's why you should make an article of the ideas you
5. Start with small where do you think is important
Most people always think telalu far and hope that a new blog made directly to get high traffic, this case was finished mereka.Jelas when they think so and it was not according to his thinking will ultimately discourage them.
Success needs to step from the ground up, no man is born straight adult world of blogging so much that you have to go through stages, ranging from small things is new to big things like a snowball when bergelinding long will be enlarged.
Once you understand the above points you can certainly become a true blogger
Jumat, 23 Maret 2012
The History of Blogger From the Beginning Until Now
Terjemahkan dari: Bahasa Indonesia
Ketikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
Bahasa Indonesia
How long have you know and use Blogger? and how do you know where the first blogger loncing virtual world?. Blogspot Tutorial kitchen do not think everyone would know this, for the Kitchen Tutorial Blogspot Blogger will introduce the historical development of early loncing to date.
Blogger virtual world first launched on 23 August 1999 by Pyra Laps. Domain that is one source that generates millions of new articles every day this has a display that does not like today where the appearance of white and orange color bloggers. In the early loncing Blogger more into the virtual world is dominated by the color blue with a very simple and even simpler than the current look of your blog.
Here's the first time Photo Blogger:
Blogger virtual world first launched on 23 August 1999 by Pyra Laps. Domain that is one source that generates millions of new articles every day this has a display that does not like today where the appearance of white and orange color bloggers. In the early loncing Blogger more into the virtual world is dominated by the color blue with a very simple and even simpler than the current look of your blog.
Here's the first time Photo Blogger:
![]() |
courtesy : Google Image |
Before Google's bloggers do not manage all the facilities you can use to be able to use facilities such as upload and edit HTML templates you need to upgrade your account first kepremium Only then was bought by google blogger since February 2003 on all premium facilities 100% free to use the google. A year later after Google took over Blogger Pyra Laps meningal world.
Continued in 2004 Google bought Picasa, must aim to provide better facilities for the users blog. With digabungnya bought Picasa and Blogger to Picasa users can either upload a photo blogger for bloggin needs. A few months later on May 9, 2004 Blogger added some new features into the feature-blogger Arsive As for posts, comments, and the Post Via Email.
In August 2006 google then successfully launched the newest version of Blogger bloggers but the slide is still in beta version of a given code "Invader". The launch is also all move all users to Google servers as well as adding new Features. Then in December 2006 Blogger is no longer in Beta version and just in the month May 2007 Move to Server Google's Blogger as a whole (Wikipedia).
Later In the Year 2010 blogger blogger has a very significant surge of more than 400 million people worldwide use the first blogger blogger users only 250 thousand people.
Blogger kesuksesanya also promised to repeat in 2011 and the bloggers will also provide a massive change in 2011 after kenyamana users.
Berikut Cuplikan Janji Blogger
And akhirya Sebtember 2011 janjina Bloggerpun keep the current look of the promised new blogger blogger you might have access.
The appointment follows the end of the bloggers who have kept
Blogger is very concerned about comfort for every user. Hopefully bloggers be the best choice for all of us especially Kitchen Tutorial Blogspor only able to say that:
I'm Proud to be a Blogger
Similarly, the neighbor may Kitchen Tutorial Convey the history of our bloggers may know the history of this blogger we all know the ins and outs of a blogger and make us the best blogger. Greetings And Successful Blogger
Kamis, 22 Maret 2012
Adding a New Page Element Method Under Blog Header
After posting a successful Kitchen Tutorial Blogspot tutorial blogspot neighbor Element Method Adding a New Page Header Above this Blog Blogspot Tutorial Centre will re-convey how to add page elements.
Page elements to be added this time arriving at the bottom of your blog header as shown below
Function remains the same as a place to put the widget that is generally used by many people to place ads or horizontal menu.
Here lankah-Lankah that you should do to menabah new Page Element under Header :
5. Now find this code]]> </ b: skin> (use the CTRL + F3 u / facilitate the search for the code)
6.After the meet Copas and place the following code above the code]]> </ b: skin>
# under_header {
margin: 10px 0;
padding: 1%;
width: 100%;
7. Now you are looking for code similar to the following code
* Code What should you look for if you use the old blogger template
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidget="1" showaddelement="no">
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='test (Header)' type='Header'/>
</ b: section>
</ div>
* The code should be found if you use the new template blogger
<div id='header-outer'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidget="1" showaddelement="no">
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='test (Header)' type='Header'/>
</ b: section>
</ div>
8. If you have found copy and paste the code below and place it under the code above
<div id="under_header">
<b:section class='header' id='gadgetheader' preferred='yes'/>
</ div>
9. Lankah last click save
Page elements to be added this time arriving at the bottom of your blog header as shown below
Function remains the same as a place to put the widget that is generally used by many people to place ads or horizontal menu.
Here lankah-Lankah that you should do to menabah new Page Element under Header :
- Login using your Blogspot account select the "Template"Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: # Klik tombol Next/Melanjutkan setelah itu anda akan dibawa ke halaman edit HTML seperti berikutKetikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
- Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: # Klik tombol Next/Melanjutkan setelah itu anda akan dibawa ke halaman edit HTML seperti berikutThe next page will look like the following, click on the Edit HTMLKetikkan teks atau alamat situs web atau terjemahkan dokumen.
5. Now find this code]]> </ b: skin> (use the CTRL + F3 u / facilitate the search for the code)
6.After the meet Copas and place the following code above the code]]> </ b: skin>
# under_header {
margin: 10px 0;
padding: 1%;
width: 100%;
7. Now you are looking for code similar to the following code
* Code What should you look for if you use the old blogger template
<div id='header-wrapper'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidget="1" showaddelement="no">
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='test (Header)' type='Header'/>
</ b: section>
</ div>
* The code should be found if you use the new template blogger
<div id='header-outer'>
<b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidget="1" showaddelement="no">
<b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='test (Header)' type='Header'/>
</ b: section>
</ div>
8. If you have found copy and paste the code below and place it under the code above
<div id="under_header">
<b:section class='header' id='gadgetheader' preferred='yes'/>
</ div>
9. Lankah last click save
Rabu, 21 Maret 2012
Tips And Tips For Success PDF Blog Many Visitors

Blogging, in my opinion a positive activities to fill leisure, information sharing, adding a new friend, and some are used to find the money. Each person must have his or her goals differently, if I'm more likely to lead to it. What about you? hehehe

From all over the blogging purposes, I think there is a goal that most or even all bloggers want tersebuat purposes. Behold what? Yups,, bener once. The answer is "Blognya crowded". Mmm, this includes the purpose emang yah? sob I do not know what it's called, may be more directed to the well wishes! but whatever it is, do bloggers want? hehe. And what can I make my blog a lot of its visitors?
Here I give some tips that I took from my own experience. The first is:
PDF What is the purpose?
To achieve success in blogging, the first thing we have to spends is our goal to make what is blogging? Just to fill leisure, information sharing, adding a new friend, or to make money? should specify from now sob. Because I think the word success is relative.
For example: We are successful in adding new friends, but not necessarily our success in making money. So, what is your blogging goal? If you answer all that I mentioned above, means you are ready to work even harder.

Well, this is the most difficult in my opinion. Why are most difficult? because usually people's spirits blogging in the first month, next month the already bored. In this case people often say "ah, do not consistently ni" or rather volatile. In blogging we need a firm pendiriah sob, do not be quick bergonta Gati establishment. Keep the spirit, because success in sight ...
For example (a case): Andi streets to one bookstore in jakarta, he happened to see a book whose title is very interesting "Money With a PDF (Blogspot)". After he read and read, it is very easy to do well, then he became an intention to set up a blog to make money. After a month of walking, it turns out ... "Ah, shit banged ni, a period of a month already deserted blog visitors blog but really, how would get money from blogging if so how? Lest in fake books??!!." If you like this, who is wrong??
Remember the saying goes, "failure is the beginning of success", but bear in mind what they say (who all this time I hold dear) "is the initial success of failure". I mean the saying is, if you are successful, do not like it was ready to sob because of a failure waiting behind you. Peek boo? Hahaha
Article Do not Copy - Paste
Nahhh,, this problem is so many problems that I encountered. Hayoo, who here is from Copas (copy - paste)? hehehe
Bloggers must have wondered, why can not emangnya copy-paste?
* It will not advance. Because we are used to copy-paste, then we would be lazy to write the article.
* Respect other people's work. This concerns the price and value, if bloggers want to be appreciated, then respect other people first, because I myself have ngalamin, I wrote an article continues at 2 am the next morning I checked, uh,, there are articles I've wrote on another blog wrote. The circumstances of bloggers feel when experiencing the same thing as me? so already, there's no source anymore. In fact we are already tired-tired mind and take our time, but the result?
My advice, if bloggers copy and paste the booklet, please include the link source. But it's back again kediri bloggers, I do not want to force and no coercion. Ok
* The visit was so lazy. Why? For example like this, you copy and paste the article from AFP, visitors prefer to visit kedetikcom what your blog?
Hard work is the beginning of success. For the problem of hard work, I have a little ni formula:
"What are you doing = what you get."

From the formula above, I'm sure bloggers already know it all mean?? Ok, then I do not need to explain it again. I just want love advice ni, if bloggers fail, try reading the stories of successful people like Bob Sadino, Ane Ahira and others that can be made as a motivation.
Registering Blog (SEO)
Site submission is very important to me, because nearly 80% of visitors would blog through search engines, especially Google. To register a blog problems, I'm not going to discuss at length here. Because it has loads of articles discussing this issue. For the same bloggers can ask Google om,

Blogwalking is an activity kesesama visiting bloggers to increase rope silahtuhrahmi fellow bloggers. Blogwlking also be made in reference to bring in visitors. I used to really blogwalking, if now I admit I've very rarely. Why? Committee wrote a blog on this one already overwhelmed me sob, but there are times when I would blogwalking.
7.Promote Your Blog
Actually this could be a category with "blog list" but let me be more clear, I wrote a separate study. Promote your blog what I mean here is, we promote our blog to a friend or anyone else. To promote the blog, we can make use of online or offline manner. If I had to use flyers, and brochures that I paste-paste in mading campus and I spread the motor park. (so remember those days the first time blogging,, heheh)
8.Use a Custom Domain
Custom domian? what is a sob? Domains such as tablets that I use is "". How? it looks more professional? Compare with "". Advice I'd better use sob paid domain. Do not use the domain Why? because I had a bitter experience for this domain.
Story like this:
Before I use www.remo domain-domain I am currently using., which Already in the know belom yah? If my friend would remo-xp already loyal to the tau ni,, hehehe
Incidentally domain is already PR 3 sob, I want memperpanjangn fit the active domain, uh,, have to pay. Not really deh,, I switched to a domain yaudah, and I have to start from scratch again. REMEMBER: Changing the domain, like a newborn baby.
9. Up to Date
Up to date what I mean here is up to date blog, up to date is also the owner. So often wrote online sob, do not miss the information that is until the talk. For example: the ariel his case, Ms. Luna and Aunt Tari, was again much in looking loh-bankyaknya. hehehe
10. Anyone want to add?
Loh? what is that? why anyone want to add? That is, sharingnya enough to be here, maybe other bloggers who was there that he would like to add? Ok, then I end aja yah, weakness and strength I thank you,,
Selasa, 20 Maret 2012
Cara Memasang Yahoo Messenger Di Blogger
Saya punya blog di Blogspot. Saya ingin pengunjung blog saya bisa chatting dengan saya lewat Yahoo! Messenger. Mungkinkah?
Untuk keperluan itu kita bisa memanfaatkan fitur Pingbox yang disediakan Yahoo!. Lewat Pingbox, kita akan mendapatkan kode yang harus kita pasang di blog, profil Friendster, atau website kita.
Berikut ini cara membuat Pingbox:
- Akseslah
- Pilih Background Theme sesuai dengan preferensi kiat
- Di kolom Display name, masukkan nama yang akan kita tampilkan. Contrenglah opsi Show Yahoo! Messenger display image jika kita ingin menampilkan gambar yang sekarang muncul di YM kita.
- Pilihlah salah satu ucapan selamat datang di kolom Online Greeting, atau pilih Enter custom message jika kita ingin membuat sendiri ucapan itu.
- Pilihlah salah satu pesan bahwa kita sedang tidak online di kolom Offline message, atau pilih Enter custom message jika kita ingin membuat sendiri ucapan itu.
- Contrenglah opsi Require visitors to enter Nickname to send IM agar setiap orang yang mengirim pesan ke kita diwajibkan mengisikan nama aliasnya (nick name)
- Pada kolom Save Pingbox as, tulislah nama Pingbox kita. Misal, jika pingbox yang kita bikin sekarang ini akan dipasang di blog, berilah nama Pingbox Blogger atau sesuka anda.
- Tekan tombol Save
- Akan muncul windows bar. Masukanlah Yahoo! ID dan passwordnya, lalu tekan tombol Sign In. Windows itu akan menutup sendiri.
- Akan muncul kotak berisikan kode yang harus kita pasang. Untuk mendapatkan kode yang pas sesuai peruntukannya, pilihlah jenis blog atau website kita. Misal, jika kita ingin mendpatkan kode untuk Blogger maka kliklah logo dan tulisan Blogger yang tersedia.
- Tentukan ukuran kotak yang kita inginkan. Sangat disarankan untuk memilih opsi Recommended.
- Tekan tombol Copy to clippboard. Selesai.

- Klik link Tata Letak di bagian Dashboard.
- Klik Tambah Gadget.
- Pada lajur HTML/JavaScript, kliklah ADD TO BLOG.
- Pada kolom Judul, Tulislah judul yang kita mau. Misal: CHATBOX.
- Sisipkanlah (paste) kode yang sudah kita salin ke kolom Konten.
- Tekan tombol Simpan.
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